
Biagi (transcription of data from SF Biagi's Fortran code, Magboltz.)click to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/Biagi

DESCRIPTION: These data were transcribed from S.F. Biagi's FORTRAN code, MagBoltz, versions 8.9 and later. The exact version number is given for each species. At this time, the Biagi database contains cross sections for rare gases, for a few simple molecules, and for SF6. The transcription of cross sections for other gases is in progress. These data were compiled for use a Monte Carlo simulation (or multi-term Boltzmann code), but their use in a 2-term Boltzmann solver gives reasonably accurate results in most cases. The the LXCat data tables do not always have the same energy resolution as the original data in the MagBoltz code. This limited energy resolution can introduce small (1%) differences in the calculated drift velocity at low E/N. For history and detailed notes, see http://consult.cern.ch/writeup/magboltz/ Oct 2011 : update of Ar and Kr data taken from MagBoltz version 8.97 Nov 2011 : small changes in Xe ionization cross sections, taken from MagBoltz v8.97 March 2015: cross sections for SF6 were transcribed from Magboltz version 10.6 from February 2014.

CONTACT: email Stephen.biagi@@hotmail.co.uk

HOW TO REFERENCE: Fortran program, MAGBOLTZ, S.F. Biagi. The version number of MAGBOLTZ from which the cross sections were transcribed is provided in the comment for each species. This version number must be included in the reference.

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + Ar [46], CO2 [92], CO2(bend mode) [1], D2 [15], H2 [105], He [51], Kr [53], N2 [46], Ne [47], O2 [15], SF6 [50], Xe [52]

Updates: 2010-11-10 … 2024-02-28

Downloads: 62794 times from 2010-11-24

Biagi-v7.1 (Magboltz version 7.1)click to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/Biagi-v7.1

DESCRIPTION: For the moment, this data base contains cross sections for the rare gases. The excitation cross sections are grouped into a few effective excitation levels. For more detailed cross sections with multiple levels, see Biagi 8.9. These cross sections were compiled for use in a Monte Carlo (or multi-term Boltzmann) code. For history and detailed notes, see http://consult.cern.ch/writeup/magboltz/


HOW TO REFERENCE: Cross sections extracted from PROGRAM MAGBOLTZ, VERSION 7.1 JUNE 2004

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + Ar [5], He [4], Kr [6], Ne [11], Xe [6]

Updates: 2010-11-13 … 2013-04-19

Downloads: 15467 times from 2013-08-18

Bordage databaseclick to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/Bordage

DESCRIPTION: All the cross sections were derived by using a multiterm solution of the Boltzmann equation in the approximation of the hydrodynamic regime. (see for exemple Ségur P., Yousfi M., Kadri M. and Bordage M.C., "A survey of the numerical methods currently in use to describe the motion of an electron swarm in a weakly ionised gas", Transport Theory and Statistical. Physics, Vol-15, Issue-6&7, pp-705-757, 1986. And Ségur P. and Bordage M.C., "Recent advances in the solution of the Boltzmann equation for the motion of electrons in a weakly ionized gas", Invited paper, XIX ICPIG, Belgrade, 86-107, 1989.)

CONTACT: Marie-Claude Bordage,
Laplace Laboratory Toulouse, France.
Email: marie-claude.bordage@@laplace.univ-tlse.fr

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + CF4 [7], CHF3 [8], Si(CH3)4 [6]

Updates: 2009-12-15 … 2018-07-10

Downloads: 2552 times from 2010-11-11

BSR (Quantum-mechanical calculations by O. Zatsarinny and K. Bartschat)click to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/BSR

DESCRIPTION: The results in this database are from non-relativistic (LS-coupling), semi-relativistic (Breit-Pauli), and full-relativistic (Dirac) B-spline R-matrix (close-coupling) treatments of electron collisions with a number of species. Individually optimized, term-dependent sets of non-orthogonal valence orbitals are used to account for the potentially strong term dependence in the one-electron valence orbitals, especially for the heavy noble gases. The predictions have been validated against a number of benchmark experimental data measured in crossed-beam setups. Very good agreement is generally achieved in the near-threshold resonance regime, where the excitation process is often dominated by negative-ion resonances. For e-Ar collisions, angle-differential cross sections are also available. These were obtained in the semi-relativistic framework.

CONTACT: Kathryn R. Hamilton or Klaus Bartschat
Dept. of Physics & Astronomy; Drake University
Des Moines, Iowa 50311, USA
Email: kathryn.hamilton@drake.edu; klaus.bartschat@drake.edu

HOW TO REFERENCE: "BSR: B-spline atomic R-matrix codes." O. Zatsarinny 2006 Comp. Phys. Commun. 174 273.
"The B-spline R-matrix method for atomic processes: application to atomic structure, electron collisions and photoionization."
O. Zatsarinny and K. Bartschat 2013 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 112001.
The BSR codes are publicly available through https://github.com › zatsaroi › BSR3. Compiled versions with instructions and test cases are available from the Atomic and Molecular Gateway at https://ampgateway.org/home/home1/homec1/documentation_copy/bsr-documentation/.

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + Ar {30} , Be {19} , C {63} , F {8} , Kr [70], N {27} , Ne [34], Xe [76]

Updates: 2011-06-28 … 2017-09-09

Downloads: 24461 times from 2010-11-20

CCC databaseclick to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/CCC

DESCRIPTION: The convergent close-coupling method (CCC) is a non-relativistic formulation of the close coupling equations that solves for the scattering T-matrix in momentum space. The CCC database contains angle-integrated cross sections of electron scattering from atomic hydrogen H [1] and helium He [2] atoms and the molecular hydrogen ion H2+ [3]. For H and He the full set of cross sections (elastic, momentum-transfer, excitation, and ionization cross sections) are available for scattering from the ground state. The angle-differential cross sections and cross sections for scattering from excited states are available on request from the authors. For H2+ the CCC data base provides results from adiabatic-nuclei close-coupling calculations of hot (vibrationally excited) H2+. Collision data of H2+ and its isotopologues was obtained for scattering from each vibrational state of the electronic ground state and for the distribution of vibrational levels weighted according to the Frank-Condon (FC) factors. In the near future the CCC database will add comprehensive collision data of electron scattering from molecular hydrogen H2. Presently the database contains total cross section and cross sections for elastic scattering and ionization in the energy range from 0.1 to 300 eV and differential cross sections at 17.5 eV for the first seven states of H2 [4].

CONTACT: Igor Bray and Dmitry V Fursa

HOW TO REFERENCE: 1. "Convergent close-coupling calculations of electron-hydrogen scattering" Igor Bray and Andris T. Stelbovics, Phys Rev A, 46, 6995-7011 (1992) 2. “Calculation of electron-helium scattering” Dmitry V. Fursa and Igor Bray, Phys. Rev. A 52, 1279-1297 (1995). 3. “Electron scattering from the molecular hydrogen ion and its isotopologues” Mark C. Zammit, Dmitry V. Fursa, and Igor Bray, Phys. Rev. A 90, 022711 (2014). 4. “Complete Solution of Electronic Excitation and Ionization in Electron-Hydrogen Molecule Scattering” Mark C. Zammit, Jeremy S. Savage, Dmitry V. Fursa, and Igor Bray, accepted: Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 233201 (2016)

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + D2 [1], DT [1], H {10} , H2 [25], HD [1], He(s1S) [20], HT [1], T2 [1], D2+ {15} , DT+ {16} , H2+ {11} , HD+ {12} , HT+ {13} , T2+ {19}

Updates: 2011-06-09 … 2019-01-16

Downloads: 7507 times from 2011-11-03

Community databaseclick to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/Community

DESCRIPTION: This database contains data from various contributors who have not yet set up an individual database. This is usually for contributors who have small amounts of data to upload to LXCat.

CONTACT: The LXCat team maintains this database. Contact info@lxcat.net.

HOW TO REFERENCE: The references are included in each data group and for each species.

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + C4F7N [35], CH4 [16]

Updates: 2021-10-07 … 2024-09-17

Downloads: 1717 times from 2022-02-19

eMol-LeHavre (eMol group LeHavre)click to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/eMol-LeHavre

DESCRIPTION: A compilation of atomic and molecular data, calculated within eMol LeHavre group. The data were obtained for the electron temperature range up to 5 eV in electron scattering processes in cold plasma. The database contains cross sections sets and Maxwell rate coefficients. Data are permanently updated. These data were imported into LXCat by Felix Iacob.

CONTACT: Felix Iacob, West University of Timisoara, email: felix.iacob@e-uvt.ro

HOW TO REFERENCE: Please refer to these data using the sources cited for each species.

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + BeH+ [1], N2+ [1]

Updates: 2019-05-17 … 2019-10-29

Downloads: 1622 times from 2019-03-11

Hayashi databaseclick to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/Hayashi

DESCRIPTION: These data sets were derived by comparing calculated swarm parameters, using as input the cross sections sets in this database, with measurements.

CONTACT: leanne.pitchford@@laplace.univ-tlse.fr

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + Ar [27], C2H2 [8], C2H4 [7], C2H6 [7], CCl2F2 [6], CCl4 [8], CF4 [7], CH4 [6], CO2 [11], H2O [8], HCl [6], N2O [9], NH3 [8], NO [10], Si2H6 [7], SiH4 [7], SO2 [6], Xe [16]

Updates: 2010-05-07 … 2023-10-19

Downloads: 26451 times from 2010-11-13

IAA (IAA)click to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/IAA

DESCRIPTION: Combination up to 2022 of experimental, theoretical and own calculations of electron integral/differential cross sections with atmospheric species. The work was realised by Anthony Schmalzried during his PhD thesis at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía in Granada, Spain under the supervision of Dr. Alejandro Luque and Dr. Nikolai Lehtinen from the University of Bergen, Norway. Compiled data was only extracted from published results but not from other databases on lxcat. Highlights: * Use of analytical formulae for electronic exc. and ionisation. * Use of Born-Bethe extrapolation for total scattering cross section * Use of the scattering length for the CS at zero energies * Complete set of electronic inelastic processes in the mathematical sense of the dipole oscillator strength (it satisfies the Bethe sum rule) * The DCS is coherent with the elastic integral and momentum-transfer cross sections. Vulnerability: All momentum-transfer CS labelled in the datagroup MOMENTUM have been converted from the RESIDUAL elastic cross section through the multiplication by 1- (average deviation cosine). These may not be necessarily accurate, especially in regions where the DCS is sparse. Transport parameters at low energies with this MTCS will be less accurate than in other databases because our MTCS are derived from the residual elastic cross section after subtracting all inelastic (except rotational exc.) from the total scattering cross section (which is usually known with great accuracy). You may wish to take momentum-transfer cross sections from another database, but beware that even if more accurate results are obtained, the database will lose its coherence! List of abbreviations used in comments: a0 : Bohr radius (~5.29177e-11 m) DCS : differential cross section ICS : integral (elastic) cross section MTCS : momentum-transfer (elastic) cross section OOS : optical oscillator strength A : scattering length MERT: modified effective range theory RBEQ* : relativistic binary encounter Bethe "Q" model from [Kim et al, Phys. Rev. A 62, 052710 (2000)] (* = revised in the thesis)

CONTACT: Anthony Schmalzried
email: anthony.schmalzried@@mailfence.com
Alejandro Luque, Senior Researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada
email: aluque@iaa.es

HOW TO REFERENCE: A. Schmalzried, A. Luque and N. Lehtinen, IAA Database on lxcat, www.lxcat.net/IAA, August 2023, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía.

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + Ar [35], N [11], N2 [113], NO [106], O [18], O2 [69]

Updates: 2023-12-21 … 2024-01-03

Downloads: 3605 times from 2023-12-10

IST-Lisbon databaseclick to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/IST-Lisbon

DESCRIPTION: IST-Lisbon database contains up-to-date electron-neutral scattering cross sections (together with the measured swarm parameters used to validate these data), resulting from the research effort of the Group N-Plasmas Reactive: Modelling and Engineering (N-PRiME) with IPFN/IST (Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear / Instituto Superior Tecnico), Lisbon, Portugal.
The data, compiled from the literature, correspond to contributions from different authors (see detailed references in the database). For each gas the database presents a COMPLETE SET of cross sections, validated against measured swarm parameters by solving the two-term homogeneous electron Boltzmann equation. In most cases, predictions are in agreement with measurements within 1-20%, for reduced electric fields E/N ~ 1e-4 - 500 Td. To improve predictions at low E/N, some sets need to be completed with rotational cross sections, also available in the database.

CONTACT: LL Alves and V Guerra
e-mail: llalves@@tecnico.ulisboa.pt

HOW TO REFERENCE: L.L. Alves, ''The IST-Lisbon database on LXCat'' J. Phys. Conf. Series 2014, 565, 1

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + Ar [39], CH4 [9], CO [21], CO-rot [17], CO2 [16], CO_anis [80], H2 [22], He [44], Hydrogen [82], N2 [26], Nitrogen [85], O2 [15], Oxygen [912]

Updates: 2013-06-09 … 2023-01-23

Downloads: 43653 times from 2011-07-06

Morgan (Kinema Research & Software)click to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/Morgan

DESCRIPTION: Assembled over the course of 30 years WL Morgan and suitable for use with 2-term Boltzmann solvers.

CONTACT: W. Lowell Morgan, Kinema Research & Software

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

MuroranIT (MuroranIT)click to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/MuroranIT

DESCRIPTION: MuroranIT database contains complete and consistent sets of electron collision cross sections developed at Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan. These cross section sets were validated by comparing measured electron swarm parameters with those calculated using Monte Carlo simulation. Details of these cross section sets can be found in the references cited for each species.

CONTACT: Satoru Kawaguchi
Muroran Institute of Technology
e-mail: skawaguchi(at)muroran-it.ac.jp

HOW TO REFERENCE: Please use the references cited for each species.

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + CF3I [17], Si(OC2H5)4 [42]

Updates: 2025-01-09 … 2025-01-10

Downloads: 13 times from 2025-01-09

Phelps databaseclick to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/Phelps

DESCRIPTION: A compilation of atomic and molecular data, assembled and evaluated by A.V. Phelps and collaborators. Please refer to these data using the sources cited for each gas. We make no claims for these cross sections beyond those stated in the papers where they are published or cited. In most cases these cross sections were assembled in the 1970's and 1980's. In only a few cases have they been modified or tested since that time. I do not plan any updates. Additions have been made when cross sections have been assembled for other purposes. Since the JILA information center was closed by NIST, there is no one there to help you. Opinions expressed are those of AV Phelps and do not imply JILA, CU, or NIST approval.

CONTACT: A.V. Phelps, Fellow Adjoint of JILA
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0440
e-mail: avp@@jila.colorado.edu

HOW TO REFERENCE: http://jilawww.colorado.edu/~avp/

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: Ar+ + Ar [2]; e + Ar [3], CO [18], CO2 [14], H2 [17], H2O [10], He [3], Mg [4], N2 [27], Na [7], Ne [8], NO [10], O2 [18], SF6 [9]; He+ + He [2]; Xe+ + Ne [1], Xe [2]

Updates: 2009-09-19 … 2024-10-08

Downloads: 64258 times from 2010-11-03

Puech databaseclick to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/Puech

DESCRIPTION: Cross section sets assembled by V Puech and colleagues in late 1980's and 1990's. Ne : updated and corrected on Dec 11 2012

CONTACT: Vincent Puech, LPGP, Orsay, France

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + Ar [42], C2H4 [8], C3H6 [6], Ne [26], Xe [15]

Updates: 2011-07-22 … 2018-02-20

Downloads: 6089 times from 2012-09-04

SIGLO databaseclick to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/SIGLO

DESCRIPTION: The SIGLO database is the "in-house" data used by the group GREPHE at LAPLACE in Toulouse. The data are taken from different sources as indicated for each gas. Please refer to original sources in publications. An early version of this data file, "siglo.sec", was distributed with BOLSIG. The main changes in the present version are :
The format has been changed to be compatible with BOLSIG+.
Scale factors have been incorporated in the data and no longer appear explicitly.
We have removed the CF4 cross section data because of their limited precision (probably due to digitization errors). For the moment our recommendation is to use the dataset in the Morgan database.
He : The present data are from the compilation of A.V. Phelps (see reference in the Phelps data base).
O2 : We recommend using the data in the Phelps database for this species.
H2 : We recommend using the data in the Phelps database for this species.
Cl2 : The present data are an updated compilation (Jan 2012) by J Gregorio and LC Pitchford.
Cu : Feb 2012. Digitized from Tkachev A N, Fedenev A A and Yakovlenko S I, Laser Phys. vol.17, p. 775 (2007)
Kr : Nov 2012. We re-digitized the data from figs. 1 and 5 in H. Date, Y. Sakai and H. Tagashira, J. Phys. D 22 1478 (1989). With respect to the previous data from this same reference in the SIGLO database, there are some changes in the threshold values and in the magnitudes of the inelastic cross sections.

CONTACT: LC Pitchford and JP Boeuf
pitchford@@laplace.univ-tlse.fr and jpb@@laplace.univ-tlse.fr

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + Ar [3], Cl2 [16], CO2 [13], Cu [6], F2 [11], HCl [8], He [3], Hg [6], Kr [7], N2 [25], Ne [8], Ne(3P2) [1], SF6 [9], SiH4 [7], Xe [8], Xe(1s5) [1]

Updates: 2009-09-09 … 2024-07-12

Downloads: 32541 times from 2010-11-02

TRINITI databaseclick to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/TRINITI

DESCRIPTION: These cross sections retrieved from the EEDF software package for calculations of electron energy distribution function developed by Prof. Napartovich A. P. and Drs. Dyatko N. A., Kochetov I. V., Sukharev A. G. from The State Science Center Troitsk Institute for Innovation and Fusion Research, Russia

CONTACT: Contact person is Dr. Igor Kochetov kochet@@triniti.ru

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

XJTUAETLab (Xi'an Jiaotong University, Advanced Electrical Technology Laboratory)click to expand or collapse

PERMLINK: www.lxcat.net/XJTUAETLab

DESCRIPTION: This database is an open-access database for sharing Fundamental Physicochemical Properties of Gas Discharges and Plasma. Since 2007, these data were obtained gradually via experiments or theoretical calculations conducted by more than ten PhD students from our Lab. This database includes electron and ion scattering cross sections, swarm parameters (ionization coefficients, attachment coefficients, electron mobility, diffusion coefficient, etc.), dielectric breakdown strength, chemical reaction rates, equation of state (EOS), and other data required for modeling gas discharges and plasma. We hope our database can help to promote the innovative development of relevant fundamental research.

CONTACT: Boya Zhang (zhangby@xjtu.edu.cn) Huantong Shi (htshi@mail.xjtu.edu.cn) Jian Wu (jxjawj@mail.xjtu.edu.cn) Xingwen Li(xwli@mail.xjtu.edu.cn)

HOW TO REFERENCE: Please refer to these data using the sources cited for each species.

SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONSclick to expand or collapse

Species: e + C4F7N [7], C5F10O [5]

Updates: 2023-03-19 … 2024-07-30

Downloads: 839 times from 2023-03-19